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A Marvel comic superhero character, the biological daughter of Oden and Frigga, originally named by them Aldrif. As an infant survived the Queen of the Angels’ attack, and was raised in Heven as Angela. Working under the patronage of heaven, she acted as the seeker of Hellspawn, the antihero, with the prime mission to kill him at the first opportunity in their first meeting, but was defeated despite her super-strength. Later she was killed in the battle with Malabolgia, Spawn, who was in a romantic relationship with her, returned her body to the angels, who seemingly brought her back to life to resume new adventures as a bounty hunter. While charging toward earth from the astral plane, she joined the team of the Guardians of Galaxy, fought the band of pirates in the wrap space, where she heard the telepathic voice of Loki to tell, the Heven’s portal was open for her to return home. She fought Thor, made him captive of Queen of Angels, but when he escaped the queen found her at fault, granted her life, and exiled her from Heven. She traveled to Hel, launched a campaign of conquest, and became the new Queen of Hel. She then returned to earth in her new incarnation, for she had no need of acquiring new power, as she possessed super-durability to withstand attacks that made her immortal with perennial youth, and one of the potent Asgardian gods in Marvel universe. _______________ April 19. 2023 Contest : Spawn Characters Sponsored by : Robert James Liguori

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