Angel Through the Wires
"Angel Through the Wires"
Are you an Angel?
through my words?
You stand by me always,
as I walk roughshod
through this world.
I see your reflection
in my eyes
Mirror Silent
Revolution Image,
but you are not here,
You are in my dreams,
a cameo appearance
every now and again,
a beautiful surprise,
you say,
"Always speak The TRUTH, never tell lies".
You say,
"Hold my HEART
in yours.
Here is the real fire -
it stretches never broken,
my word,
it is always there to hold,
although unspoken".
You are singing
me HOME,
I answer your call
to your peaceful
golden world, your
Tender Mooring shores.
road map on your skin,
you showed me
when I was a mere child
Your mirrors wet with tears,
you were frightened to let go -
You looked right through my windows,
8 years of my soul.
You said,
"Lay with me, for a little while
listen to me breathe",
you whispered in the dark,
so soft and gently.
Safe from blood suckers
under gauze net,
smell of Tiger Oil
and Frangipani,
in the Summer
of our impending loss and
your heart wrenching regret.
You and I,
we went for a little sleep
for a little while,
you fell first,
while I listened
to you breathe and
my eyelids dropped
with childish fears,
we both lay together
dreams so still
We went to sleep
for but a little while
I met you in my dreams.
You delivered to me
all your stories
all throughout the little while
all throughout the years.
(Lovejoy-Burton/2 March 2018)
for K. & M. with ALL my LOVE.
for G. with ALL my LOVE.
for my mother with ALL my LOVE.
for my father with ALL my LOVE.
Easter 2018
John 15:12-13
(STORY: John 15 (NIV) "The Vine and the Branches")
for the One who died on the cross for ALL of us,
with ALL my LOVE.
Copyright © Leanne Lovejoy-Burton | Year Posted 2018
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