Android Application Development
Got bored by using old android applications? Now you can develop your own android app with the help of our development team. Android is a Linux based operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet PC's, developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google Inc. Later on google purchased the antecedent developer of the software Android Inc., in 2005, at present its a leading OS for smartphones and widely used because of its high popularity, over 500+ millions android users and more than 900,000 apps are available on market. We are the best Android app development company in India. Android app development is a part of Adodis Technologies Pvt. Ltd, we are one of the very few companies in India to start android apps development in the early stage. Being a reputed company in web technologies and trusted brand for all web needs in India/abroad as well as leader in many open source platforms, we have the resources and the expertise to build the best Services for our clients. We have strong technical team with more than 320 engineers all of whom have a minimum experience of 5 to 7 years.
Our services:
* Custom Android Application Development
* Android Gaming Application Development
* Android Multimedia Application Development
* Android Enterprise Application Development
* Android Application Maintenance and Upgrade
* Android Application Testing
We can assure you that, our experienced developers will reduce your application development time and cost by 25%, and to ensure the best quality of service and good customer support, we have 4 level of escalation matrix to ensure that all our customers 100% satisfied with our service.
Copyright © Agnes Priya | Year Posted 2012
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