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And They'Ll Know We Are Christians Etc

"We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord And we know that Christian unity will someday be restored. And they'll know we are Christians, by our love, by our love Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love." popular chorus of a 1970's Christian popular song. Jesus knows what gender we were born with Male and female God created two separate genders. Little boys and little girls are people and are not play things nor are they toys Little boys were created to grow up and be- come grown up men While little girls were created to become grown up women Our K-3rd grade children should not be told by LGBT agenda grown ups that: little boys can grown up, and become transgender females and little girls can grow up and become trans- gender males. Many young people, who become transgenders, are also becoming born again Christians! And they are regretting and they are repenting of ever being deceived into changing their genders. Many of them wonder if it is possible to switch their genders right back to their original genders where they belonged in the first place! If it is possible, than they go ahead and have themselves transformed! Praise God! Many of the LGBT community adults admit to being attracted to their same sex and entered into homo- sexual life styles. Even after they become saved many of them still have same sex attractions. Through asking God for prayers of deliverance, thereby repenting of their sins they have won their victory in Christ Jesus! Whereas, others have complete deliverance, get married and have children of all their very own. By living happy Christian homosexual married lives just the way our creator God meant that it should be right from the very beginning of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden! A transgender woman still has the mind of a female? A transgender male still has the mind of a transgender female? But after they switch your genders, most likely, they also brain wash and re-program your mind! In the pagination of America and the free western world Males will become more and more feminine Whereas, females will become more and more masculine. As the church age of grace draws ever more rapidly to a close! But right now Christians are waking up, praying for our national and global Holy Spirit filled, and baptized by his Spirit revivals! All born again believers in Jesus are also praying for his revival Praise God! Roxanne Lea Dubarry October Country 8/16/22

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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