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And That's the Truth

And That’s The Truth! Didja ever have a day that The fish oil stuck together And the calcium hung on the rim. When you patted the side of the bottle, You spilled all of them? And down on your knees you recovered and Put them all back in the bottle, And when the subject of “the five second rule” came up, You were the first to throttle the truth of it, And call it a crock! You did? Didja ever have a day when your System of shoes didn’t work, Down on your knees again to Discover the match while going biserk; But when the subject of organizing came up, You were the first to say “I always have a place.” Didja ever tell it like that? Hiding your weaknesses so well you do; You’ve earned the right, “So say you,: To make others feel your “guilty” in a new kind of way, When you say, I cook three healthy meals every day – A vegetable and a grain, then Have your salsa and chips, while enjoying the rain.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 7/19/2017 1:45:00 PM
You just unzipped the covers of my mind to the unprecedented worship of your adorable lines with a powerful choice of words that can't just be ignored. Showers of your wisdom is well palpated in this page and the only thing I can say is a big WELL DONE! Can't wait to have more of your mental command flowing through my reading mind.
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Sunlite Wanter
Date: 7/19/2017 6:01:00 PM
Your comments are poems in themselves. Thank you, Funom.
Date: 6/30/2017 9:44:00 PM
Honestly, I can't say that I have, except for maybe the last one:) Your funny bone is exposed, Sunlite:)
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Date: 6/30/2017 3:12:00 PM
Yes, I think, to all of them. But I would have spilled the salsa and chips, too, although not until I'd spilled the coffee at least once.
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Date: 6/30/2017 12:54:00 PM
I love this, especially the shoe stanza...that was really funny. The entire poem is funny Sunlite and so cool. The 5 second rule huh...I know that rule, I just don't always follow it. :)
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Sunlite Wanter
Date: 7/19/2017 6:02:00 PM
Did I not thank you for your comments? Please forgive - too much going on.

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