And So I Fight
All the time now
I fight the urge
To lash back fast
Im on the verge
Of snapping out
With reckless intent
Please put up your fists
So I have a reason to vent
Let's duke this out
It's time I unleash
The anger I have
I need to release
I'll let loose my hands
Let them both swing
Until they are numb
Don't care if they bleed
Maybe I'll feel better
After I fought it all out
With my opponent down
Knocked out from the bout
So I thought in my mind
I'll kick him right now
That's what everyone else
Does to me when I'm down
I will keep fighting
Even if I will loose it
I'll fight through the pain
Broken bones and the bruises
So lossing is nothing
In a life full of fits
I'll fight and fight
Back with my fists
All I have now
Is the fight I am left with
One day I'll see peace
I hope it majestic
Written 3-1-19
Copyright © Troy Toney | Year Posted 2019
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