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And It Is Golden

It’s a smile that says so many things. It can talk for a while. A relief from strain. That smile says Isn’t it great to be alive? That smile cries The stars are so beautiful tonight! That smile screams Thank goodness it’s Friday! That smile sighs Thank goodness it’s today. That smile is nearly trademark. It’s bright and beaming and genuine. You could see that smile in the blackest dark. That smile shines like sequins. That smile tells you, that it loves you. That smile lets you know, that you can be great too. One thinks ‘optimism.’ And one thinks of that smile. One thinks ‘happiness.’ And one thinks of that smile. ‘Positivity’ That smile. ‘Joy’ That smile. ‘A reason…’ That smile. That smile encourages You can do it! That smile comforts You’ll get through it. And That smile says The sun is so bright. That smile says This world is good. That smile says We can do so much. That smile says The grass will always be green. That smile says The sea is so calming. That smile says The sky is so beautiful. That smile says I love this world. That smile says I love it all. And That smile says I love you all. And that smile is honest, speaking volumes without words. One may ask, who could be so rich, in simple happiness through expression. Of which embodies all the positivity a being has the capacity to feel. I can tell you that smile belongs to, Ari Rodarte.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 8/24/2016 2:48:00 PM
Definitely a 7! :) really like this one.
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry