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Analyze This

You talk and talk and talk about this, you analyze life with a complete utter miss. Why are you so mad, what has gotten you so sad, why do become judge and jury why have you begun to live life with such fury? “analyze this” I get it, in life not everything is perfect everyone has a personal blight, scab, scar, a bloody nose, some imperfection, no perfect insight. “analyze this” Negativity is not the answer, personal code to which you must uphold, says to live true to yourself and to that of others, to give a bother not to judge them to treat them as fodder. “analyze this” You talk and talk and talk about this, you analyze life with a complete utter miss. Judge if you must for we all do in simplistic ways unaware sometimes but you, you are judge and jury and clearly I can see you now live life, a life with such fury. “analyze this” You will not read this for now you are gone, I did what I could, but you banged your drum, maybe one day when you are not so sad you will realize all I did was say hey you will be okay but I am here for that day when we can talk again and we can say “analyze this”…Poetry by Dean

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 10/8/2017 4:53:00 AM
Much truth in these words. Thanks for reading me, Dino. Best to you in your writing endeavors. / M
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Clarke Avatar
Dino Clarke
Date: 10/10/2017 7:58:00 PM
Thanks Maurice ")
Clarke Avatar
Dino Clarke
Date: 10/10/2017 7:58:00 PM
Thanks Maurice ")

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