An Injustice By Romance
She is ten years my senior technically she is a mother figure more than a lover.
Therefore l expect her kisses tender like lavender and maybe a member of November rains and smiles , but no!
She is something like an Oliver Twist story , begging and begging for something she knows life will never give that can only be attributed to her selfishness.
He is fifteen years her senior and technically a father figure and less of a darling.
That's the not the tune she dances to unless the roses thrown at her feet should turn to silver.
He lost his mojo in the days of tango , trying to dejavu a forgotten memento l am sorry he came a little early and that's what made her run for the hills .
So we fight , we lie , we steal and most importantly we cheat just to put a smile and continue thriving in the illusion of hearts.
We escape , we skip town , we push in pain and we pick our guns up and shoot all in the name of love , what a shame!
Copyright © Marley Marlibu Muringa | Year Posted 2022
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