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An Inestimable Fraction

In the Solar system,, Earth fronts an asteroid Moving in same orbit Just parallel to its way At the same speed as it has At the same direction Round the Sun. Being occupied itself in its orbit As its regular travel to its orbit, The earth is quite unaware From where the asteroid entered, When it happened to met it In the orbit of the Sun The Earth is frightened As if happened all of a sudden When the Earth and the asteroid Exchanged their way of traveling Just opposite to their orbit And move on their way around the sun Only a fraction of a second Has a difference between them To exchange their way Of traveling in their orbit, Otherwise they collide each other With a disaster of unknown result For unexpected ad unwilling The vast change In the solar system Thanks to this precious fraction of a second, Abominated by them as trifle and nothing, Which averted the disaster Beyond their expectation To befallen on them To remain as it’s As if nothing happened In the Solar system. *

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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