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An Abstract In Words

Poet's Notes

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This a favourite poem as it combines my two hobbies art & poetry

the soft yellow streaked the terra cotta, shadowing the speckled sallow saffron a bluish buff upon the cochineal; brilliant boneblack grizzled the engrain citrine carnation as the fallow flaxen,rustic rubrical rainbow-tinted the magenta mandarine unseen the ultra-marine, tinged burnt sienna, reflecting a golden flame of raw umbery upon the earth green; bright mosaic gold mottled the sallow sorrel virent yellow,oak stained the pale apricot while blood red,reddish russet dotted the olive lind; freckled crimson, a chestnut maroon, on fuchsias faded apple green as burnt umber sank deep into its sanguine slumber. a repost from 6/2007

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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