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Amidst Ruined Scatter, I Demise

In ruined scatter witnessing the greys into black Why has it come to this as us humans finally lack Through my eyes bloodied looking down on such Crossed I've become in frenzied scarred mode As to I I'm in awe as to the I that fuses Centurions from Legions brave, showing confuse To my left to my right seeing said damnest like I In wondering their theirs as to their paraded Mirrored like I that they require I be masqueraded The tolling bell has spoken as I enter my demise As I hang above paradise seeing cawing crows fly Images of my existence, forever, eternally why

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 5/1/2017 6:54:00 PM
Wow! Brilliant. Again adding to my favs. Need to learn from this write.
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