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America Beware

I thank God for your Nation America And it's flag you so proudly wave I thank Him for all your freedoms The freedoms your forefathers gave. You were founded on Christian principles Blessed Nations near and far The Gospel is your greatest export A blessing from God, yes, you are. You are truly a great Christian Nation But today a change do I see The Gospel is slowly being removed While attacking your liberty. JESUS is no longer taught in the school Political correctness is on the rise The church is quiet regarding SIN To be honest I'm not really surprised. End times are surely upon us Saying JESUS, it might just offend No more do I see the fear of the Lord As SIN has become just a trend.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 1/31/2016 8:59:00 PM
LEON, A great pleasure to find and read your poem today. Love -- SKAT --
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Wilson Avatar
Leon Wilson
Date: 2/14/2016 5:58:00 AM
Thank you Skat thank you for taking time to read it.
Date: 1/15/2016 9:17:00 PM
A sobering write, Leon. Your last stanza sums up the sad state of our nation, I fear. Love, Kim
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Leon Wilson
Date: 1/16/2016 3:02:00 AM
Thànk you Kim for your comments, i wanted to finish on a good point but thats how I see things now, I believe if the church repents and crys out to God he will hear and I know he can turn things around we serve a mighty God, God bless.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things