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Amelie Beth Harris Mcgeehan

Amélie Beth Harris-McGeehan December first 2020 equals thee above named sibling whereby she completed LXIII earth orbits around the sun therefore incumbent upon me (cuz yours truly to wish happy birthday at receiving end of much largesse) to wax poetic regarding beloved sister, which brother of yours feels blessed to experience and count thee as his eldest sibling. On clocking one year after another, (which orbitz around the sun) whip away approximating light speed) I feel pitched to and fro, hither and yon into the maws of utter madness, and thee utmost like an anchor serve to buttress mine emotional duress more so acknowledged later in our lives no matter steadfastness of heartfelt care and concern prevailed these three score years of mine prompting yours truly to reflect especially those vicissitudes severely testing psychological mettle, whether twas mine tumultuous, opprobrious, hellacious... descent into abyss of despair (think bout with anorexia nervosa that cost me mental, physical and social expense), I still figuratively pay the piper, hence continue to rue rarely ever taking stock concerning unwavering love toward one (me), who fell short reciprocating gratitude, where pseudo maternal tendering occurred during formative boyhood and even into emerging adulthood days of mine. Though just thirteen plus months my senior, ye donned role as guardian bullies ye did verbally cuff when I got decreed as scapegoat passively resisted brickbats, til badasses sucker punched, mocked, chided wimpy me more'n enough, hence when bullies saw yar ferocity they ran, cuz ye took no guff said mean kids took off in a huff methinks if only I had therapy dog named Teddy and/or Ruff to protect me against thugs, whose insecurity rocketed poor little Matthew Scott they threatened harm to brag as neighborhood tough. Gratitude wells up recognizing worthiness you exemplify, a spouse (Richard McGeehan) who did ardently woo, after asking to dance pas-de-deux as lifetime partner, plus recognized keeper bonafide then young gal true lee worth her weight in gold, or any other precious metal. Marriage (codified, indemnified, and ratified June 1990 - courtesy Harvey Whitten), between ye and ardent husband will moost definitely stand the test of time cuz, each to the other a counterpart analogous to rock of Gibraltar.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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