Am In Love With a Prostitute
am in love with a prostitute
a prostitute is a women too
some are force to prostitute
through hardships
some just love sex and money
some are just in slave to sex
some are happy to have it
as a life style
still prostitute are women too
am in love with a prostitute
am young and sensitive
don't blame my ego
but think about my quest
in life
in search of live I respect
every kind of human
in different ways of
works and shadows
life caves
I meet an intelligent lady
she was poor but real
she was smart but
less privileged in her
society were corruption
eats up all what belong
to her citizens that don't
exclude her
so she sort for a means
in escape of poverty and
that ends her up to
despite other means
am in love with a prostitute
am young and sensitive
I follow my mind
when I need grow in
knowledge it don't
matter who is the one
involve life can be funny
when you look odd
in the eye of people
who are not perfect
yet they keep your
record in their frustrated
mind to judge others
mistake with out
no permission nor respect
and if I am among them
I couldn't have had the
knowledge I gather
in a relationship
with a prostitute
Copyright © Richard Nnoli | Year Posted 2018
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