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Guess am the only one who goes all in without being allowed to go all out, Or is it my cursed fate that even a red card fails to discard me completely off the game, Seeing myself crying makes me feel less of a man, But babe l swear l was all in on you, Only if l could drag down my knees to the ground and say, “Babe am sorry”, But babe l messed up, Now am gonna think of what was, what could have been, what should have been, what must have been, But hopefully with time all those will be forgotten thoughts, All those times we’ve been lifting glasses in moments of celebration have turned into moments, Where we light candles in memory of our shattered souls, Guess we have been trying to write our own script with an inkless pen, I swear this was not scripted in my book of plans with you, Everything was okay till all went south, babe l miss you, I miss everything about you, That curly smile which plasters your face when talking, Those sparkling eyes which drops tears at every argument, Pretty funny how am even laughing at all those boring jokes you used to make up, We parted ways but the mark l left you with, May you never forget it and let it be the symbol of my love, Just like scars we heal but the mark stays behind…….

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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