Always Positive
Live and be positive,in everything you do,
Positive from the tallest straw of your hair,to the sole of your shoe,
Positive reaction,to how others relate to you,
From your thoughts are positive,your words will be true,
Keep upgrading your positive chip,don't download any negative virus,
if there is no need,believe me,you don't have to lie first,
If you know it's wrong,don't let peer pressure,tell you to try first,
Bad company,now you are in trouble,or even worst,blood thirst,
One bad apple,will spoil the entire barrel,
Always remember,walk away if you can,because it takes two to quarrel,
Run it trough your mind before you act,let it flow through your thoughts
like a funnel,
Don't loose focus,from it's positive,you're on the right channel,,,,
Copyright © Richard Palmer | Year Posted 2016
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