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All Summer Long

It was ugly, a misshapen ball, creviced and bulging on one side as if a hernia had pushed through the lining just beneath its skin - I held it in my hands, lifted it to my nose to get the full depth of its smell then took a bite, unleashing a burst of tomato, sweet, tart, full flavored like the warm, plump, blood red ones I would sneak from the prized crop my father grew in our backyard that graced the table with thick slices of ruddy goodness sprinkled with salt and pepper and spread upon a white oval plate all summer long.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 6/25/2024 4:26:00 PM
Ah, again! I sure do remember those incredibly juicy tomatoes. A whole meal in and of themselves. Thanks for bringing them back to life for us here at the Soup, Paul. ~ Gershon
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Paul Willason
Date: 6/26/2024 3:47:00 PM
My pleasure Gershon...pleased that I made them come alive again and stimulate memories taste buds. Thankyou my friend.
Date: 6/25/2024 12:05:00 PM
You have an amazing ability to stir up old memories Paul, I remember on trips to the countryside as a kid, eating messy but extremely delicious tomato sandwiches, funny how they just started appealing to me again after reading this delectable piece, cheers David
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Paul Willason
Date: 6/26/2024 3:45:00 PM
So long as I stir up pleasant memories I can rest easy...value your comments David, good to hear that I can get a poem or two to land on a shared experience. Regards, Paul
Date: 6/25/2024 6:25:00 AM
Paul….could can even take me on a delightful journey eating a tomato!! Ha…l just love when you write nostalgic poems of childhood and days gone by….your poems give me a sense of calm and real appreciation for the beautiful yet simple things in our lives! That tomato was yummo my friend!! Debx
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Paul Willason
Date: 6/26/2024 3:42:00 PM
Thankyou so much for your kind words dear pleased that my poems have such a positive influence. Treasured. Glad that you enjoyed the tomato...saved that one for you. Cheers my friend.
Date: 6/25/2024 5:48:00 AM
Your thoughts on tomatoes take me back to my youthful days of living on a farm. We grew several other crops, but summer was devoted to fields of over 40,000 plants. We had help picking but packing them for import was my fondest memory of them. They were washed, sorted by size and then gently dropped in bins for packing. Now and then, one caught my eye and I had to take a bite!
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Paul Willason
Date: 6/26/2024 3:37:00 PM
Feel privileged to have triggered such delightful memories Lin....your childhood on a farm must have made quite an and close to the engine room of nature. Such a pleasure to share...take care
Date: 6/25/2024 4:43:00 AM
Haha I hope for no hidden meanings here Paul, I'm just back from Spain and declaring myself a tomato addict! They really are very delicious - though I try and avoid the chin dribbles and go for slicing first these days :)
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Paul Willason
Date: 6/26/2024 3:33:00 PM
No hidden meanings in this one, just a celebration of the senses and of the humble tomato ....winter here and hard to get a decent tasting one. Good hearing from you on your return from sunny Spain....Paul

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