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There are many diseases found in the world either widely known or hushed up and swept under a carpet of desperate denial. Fear thrives even within the names of these diseases but nothing like Aids; intrusive and a slow creator of hellish emotions, it awakes every sense I behold making them scream in unimaginable pain. It was once thought to be able to infect with the slightest touch; skin to skin. Hideously, it opens doors to many other viruses and common bacteria slowly weakening my defences; the body begins to give in to its destructive ways and the pain becomes a reflection upon my face; there is no depth in my facial features, they are as thin as a ghostly sheet. As the days pass many thoughts are stored within the mind that strangely remains able to disconnect from the fear and pain, even if only for moments; life seems to be back to normal during those sparks of happiness. As the bed becomes home sleep is forever increasing; each sunset and sunrise is precious, like a diamond one owns. Slowly I drift off on a boat that floats on the clearest of oceans; blue dominates the surface where gentle waves grow. The boat drifts off in to the horizon trying to reach the star of light where my soul will be welcomed into the gates of heaven. Dedicated to Freddy Mercury and other Aids sufferers

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 6/9/2011 9:03:00 PM
This is darkly beautiful and bold with powerful imagery and candid glimpses of an all too often misunderstood disease. I appreciate this work very much for its insight and honesty. Thank you. ~Soulfire~
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Date: 6/9/2011 7:36:00 PM
thank you for sharing
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