As I come to the end of my life,
Its toil and struggle and strife,
There waits for me a new plain
Where I will be living again.
No, I will not reincarnate;
I’ll live in eternity’s state.
The prospect seems awesome and strange;
The location surely will change,
But wherever then I will be
I’ll live there for eternity.
Right now I am dealing with time,
And it seems like I never can find
Sufficient of it for the chores
And a hefty amount that’s left o’er.
There’s so much that I want to do,
To hear and to have and to view;
If I got all I wanted to get,
It would leave me with mountains of debt.
It’s here that I have to control
The longings and lusts of my soul.
It’s here that such evil I find
In the hearts and the minds of mankind.
It’s here I have limits and bounds
And times when I’m up or I’m down.
It’s here that I doctor my ills
With surgery, treatments, or pills.
It’s here that my ears and my eyes
Hear and see things that may not be wise.
And the troubles some see since their birth
Make them think that their hell is on earth.
But some day life’s door will then close,
We’ll go to the place that we chose,
And no time then to go back again,
For then time has come to an end.
No stopover place for a time
Till heaven has a place there to find.
Where’er we awake we will stay
For all of eternity’s day.
Some day yes all of mankind
Will wake with an eternal mind.
There time as down here we did know
Is one endless life where we go.
This may be all fiction, you say,
There is no more life far away,
But if you go through life with that thought,
Imagine your distress if you’re caught
By death’s grip and you find it was true--
There was life when this one was through.
Then while you are suffering in hell,
You’ll surely want someone to tell!
But if you believe in a place
That you’ll go to at end of life’s race,
And find when you die, you just die,
There’s no heaven or hell by and by,
There’s no harm done if you were deceived,
But great harm if you do not believe
And wake up some day very soon
To eternal damnation and doom.
Yes, life may be a gamble at best,
But eternity isn’t a jest.
It’s best now to really prepare
To spend it in heaven so fair.
The way, friend, is simple to find:
Love God with your heart, soul, and mind,
Trust Jesus to save you from sin,
And live every day then for Him.
As you come to the end of your life,
Its toil and struggle and strife,
There waits for you a new plain
Where you will be living again.
I hope that I’ll see you up there
In heaven’s great mansions so fair
Where trials and troubles all cease
And we live forever in peace.
Copyright © Clarence Billheimer | Year Posted 2022
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