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After the Sad Mad Event

I woke up feeling better today, in a post-trauma kind of way. This prompts me to give priority to gathering notes with supporting documents from my previous nonviolently communicating life. And, of course, to baking for our first community social in two days. I don't think my Attorney needs any further evidence for a late-October hearing. I suspect that when the Bully reads our Attorney's Corporate letter, my need for a hearing will quickly dissipate. For some reason, this Snarky When Experiencing High Social Anxiety needs to read ruminate RabbitHole cold hard Patriarchal-Capitalist retributive justice lessons speaking CORPORATE ATTORNEY language. It would, of course, be much less expensive and traumatic to restore compassionate communication Endorsing normal civil-adult humility of being quick to say, as our mother's taught us, so they wouldn't be raising no bratty kids, "I'm sorry" and, say right out loud and proud, to others, "I forgive your temporary insanity" And, inside, "Thereby also forgiving my own past excursions into temporary insanity" on a bad RightWing offensive Bullying LeftBrain humiliating day. All of which seems to suggest, as the brownies cool, that ecocidal ideation, rather than inspired by warm boundlessly inclusive free forgiveness cooperative win/win sacred EarthTribal Yin-tegral compassion, Teaches win/lose patriarchal-capitalist cold hard and expensive CORPORATE ATTORNEY-speak and bill by the hour expensive eco-political lessons of RightWing bipolar madness rather than dipolar co-arising Left/Right resilient gladness.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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