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After the Genocide

For years, the ominous signs were palpable The deep fraternal mistrust festered and discernable Propagated by colonial masters to divide and make Rwanda malleable And left lingering became monstrous and uncontrollable Snowballing in 1994 into an orgy of murderous hate As Hutu brothers turned against their Tutsis siblings For three cruel months respect for human life was obliterated For three bloody months sanctity of human existence perished As the government of the day made killing an obligation And mobilized the population through official propaganda To destroy all Tutsis and saboteur-Hutus At the end of the Holocaust over one million Tutsis were sent to the great beyond Dreams and hopes were shattered Loved ones massacred in the most agonizing and cruel manner While the indifferent international community looked on unconcerned Just like after the rain comes sunshine The blood of the martyrs of Rwanda has irrigated and purified The country of a thousand hills Which has risen from the ashes of the gory tragedy To a land flowing with peace and tranquility To a Haven for tourists and investors To a land of calm and forward- looking citizens Committed to work and put their past behind And queuing behind their charismatic Leader They cry unceasingly and with one voice ‘’Never again shall bestiality descend in our clime’’

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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