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After Nine Bottles of Wine

After nine bottles of wine I get pretty kind never out of shape never out of line my mind begins to shine shine with mulberry moonshine sublime I begin to rhyme on time in time I rhyme my rhymes never sour like limes but sugary and sour at the same time in the middle of sweet and lime now isn't that fine wine my mind my mind is out of limits beyond outer limits beyond your limits and shallow gimmicks out of the inner galaxy limits no limits I am more than just snippets limitless beyond limits beyond summits words cometh from a fountain unknown a zone unknown it has never been shown alone in that zone words form together for better a storm a wavelet of immensity a brain storm not lot of the norm not of your trite brain storm a unique form after nine bottles of wine I get pretty kind never out of shape never out of line hearing & linking nature whispering secrets in my mind appreciation of a radiation stimulating accentuating accumulating words linking aligning designing a poetic world poems unfurl I a whorl pool of thought I am not lost in a winters frost I take hot shots of the thing you rather drink not you see I forgot that many rather sip not they ask me for milk when they come to my home I shut the door and say leave me alone I continue to sip my rum I continue to write my poem after nine bottles of wine I get pretty kind never out of shape never out of line never out of poems never out of rhymes never out of rum never out of wine never out of wit never out of time I am eternal chime of rhyme bodily enzyme of passionate drunken rhyme, see if you can chime in my time of drunken rhymes time I chime I the clock of tic tock rhythm and rhyme rum coke and lime I'll try to be sober next time..

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 6/13/2012 3:20:00 PM
Your poem is very good, although I don't think the layout style and the lack of full stops and capitals are my style - - but still excellent poetry.
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Date: 6/4/2012 9:38:00 PM
Sober or not, you're AWESOME!
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Date: 6/3/2012 2:59:00 PM
Let's share a glass or 2 or 3 or 4 ect!! Lol. Good write my friend. Michael
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Date: 6/3/2012 10:12:00 AM
Quit A Tounge Twister here Elliot, Lol... loved The rhyme in your voice of emotion. Carma"
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Date: 6/3/2012 8:14:00 AM
the bottles seem to have a certain potent kind of elixir, elliott... send me some!... incredible work; greeat stuff!..:) huggs!
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Date: 6/3/2012 7:08:00 AM
After seeing the name the drunken poet I had to read this one and I wasn't disappointed. Nice job
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