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After Columbine

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It was 20 years ago…the year was 1999 and we thought the world would change….after Columbine We hoped something would be done after children were gunned down with their books We thought the world would change… and then came Sandy Hook And we hoped something would be done we can’t sit back and watch our children die… and we thought the world would change then came Marjorie Stoneman Douglass High… But nothing has been done… Today these mass murders persist as we sadly add El Paso and Dayton to the list. We should have learned our lesson that was in that first mass shooting taught… but after Columbine, after Sandy Hook… after Parkland… we did not. We like to think we are not a heartless people although we act just like we are. At what point do we as a nation say this has gone too far? So once again I pray we find a solution…?once again I pray we’re ready draw the line… so we don’t have to wait another 20 years after Columbine.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 8/5/2019 1:20:00 PM
Hello Jim Yerman, two shootings happened.It is so sad and shocking, now how will this incident be dealt with? Will there be a solution for this? I hope so. Have a nice day my friend.
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