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Soon, The sacred black ashes and dark disfigured, but resilient bones of our enslaved, enraged and estranged ancestors, Will awake from their centuries of dazed, polluted and denigrated slumber, to reclaim, revamp their bastardized And emasculated glories; Glories, tainted with the dung of barbecued Corruption, oppression and suppression from our headmaster's Our ancestors will release us from the shakles, fiery clutches, And strangle hold of our lost generation and vision less leaders; On whose account countless sacred soul cases, Son's and Daughters of our Sacred Land have lost their lives; From the choke hold of hunger, starvation and countless numbers of preventable diseases plaguing our continent, In an insidious show that defies all logic Like Noah, Africa is gathering all it's sacred children, From Karuru falls, River Niger, Limpopo River to River Zambezi, Into it's Sacred Ark, to wean them from the cloak and spikes Of centuries of slavery, colonialism, neocolonialism, suppression, oppression and corruption; Which like a defiant, merciless, remorseless and pitiless pediculosis, has gigantically matriculated with tentacles, Into the Sacred roots and bowels of mother Africa!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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