African Minds In a Box
African mind thinks in circular shapes in a box
Freedom of expression cut in miserable pieces
Rights deleted from the hard drive discs
Children offered fish in schooling as education
Ask me; how can the African be African?
Never in this generation is answer available
More; mindset is framed, re-framed and fowled
Injected with doses of imported confusion as virtue
New generations taking old mantles in blind loyalty
Doom looming and booming without wings to fly
State to me; can such mind make African, African?
In a happy mood there’s pessimistic optimism
Not later but soon Africa can recover the lost glory
Assured is a bright but self-made future for Africa
Being a heavily enslaved, colonized and tortured race
Opaque foreign policy is the answer to development
Xenophobia, other phobias must be buried though
Copyright © Solomon Ochwo-Oburu | Year Posted 2019
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