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Afghanistan is a country at war. We fought by their side for 20 years To keep the Taliban from Destroying families, destroying lives. We taught them to be independent; We taught them to fight for their country. After 20 years of fighting, it came time for us To retreat and let them fight for what’s theirs. Things may have been different, But Trump decided to let thousands Of Taliban, ready to go back and fight, Free from captivity that kept the Afghani people safe. Because of lack of a clear vision of the future, Or perhaps because Trump didn’t care, Our troops are retreating; our citizens are retreating; Everyone but the Taliban is retreating. Why did we cage the tiger to save our friends And then let the tiger free To kill and mame As we fled to safety? It is a no-win situation. Twenty years is more than enough; Enough lives lost, enough money spent. Things could have been different, But because of politics, it was all for naught.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 8/26/2021 11:46:00 AM
ISIS is already doing battle with the Taliban for control of Afghanistan, and both of them will eventually be defeated by Afghan warlords who kill for the love of killing. After Russia high-tailed it, leaving their military arms and equipment behind, the USA should have done some very basic research before replacing Russia!
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Date: 8/26/2021 8:15:00 AM
Thanks for sharing your thinking, Linda. As far as I'm concerned you are right on target. I suppose we'll never have all the answers to our questions, but it was time to leave Afghanistan. What they make of their country will now be the issue.
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