Adrenaline Junky
It's time to get on
So the plane can start flying
Strap the pack on
Today we are sky diving
It is ok to be afraid
If it's your first time jumping
Me I live for this
I am an adrenaline junky
Don't you dare worry
I will be right there
Every one gets a bit nervous
It's ok to be scared
Take a big deep breathe
Clear your mind for the fun
I promise you will see
No need for fear when done
The time has come to jump
It's ok you can trust me
I live for the thrill
I am an adrenaline junky
I'll be there to help though
Excitement I think will rule
As you soar through the air
You will think that this is cool!
After all is said and done
You will feel so lucky
I turned you into a monster
A real adrenaline junky
Written 2-19-19
Copyright © Troy Toney | Year Posted 2019
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