Administration Frustration
I have no idea how I can convey to you,
How surreal my life has become.
Everything that could ever go wrong,
Manages to before I've even begun.
How can my voicemail disconnect?!
Just during that week, too?!
What's the chance that ALL my emails should bounce?!
And at such a cost, No one'll believe it true.
I feel robbed of my integrity.
And of poor credibility.
Who invented all this red tape?
All this shoddy technology?
"All done online, so much more efficient!"
Give me pen and paper any day!
A person don't freeze mid delivery.
I'll take it myself, no way for delay.
All I wanted was to get on a course,
To train to be a nurse, that's all.
Not to work for the MI5 or United nations!
Just my community, so why stall?!
"We're crying out for nurses!"
That's what you told me.
But administration has to ruin it all
Just communicate with me!
I left you a message! Three infact!
I sent you numerous letters and emails.
I did all exactly as you told me to!
So you can't blame me for your fails.
All my paperwork's in order,
All my research declared strong,
I've kept up my end of the bargain,
So why make me feel I'm in the wrong?
I hope in tomorrows telephone call,
All this mess will be forgot!
And all may be organised at last
So I can undo this uneasy knot.
Copyright © Leander Darwin | Year Posted 2009
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