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Adenium Sap and the Paradigmatic Element of Life

that delightfully delicate desert rose, that same alluring adenium multiflorum bearing the wondrous pinkish-fuchsia petals & white outlining angles brings with it the death-sap used by hunters in africa, that which in a barrage of many poison soaked arrows will slowly kill a giraffe as it tries so desperately to get away from its trackers--- as the magnificent animal of gorgeous sepia, sienna, amber & saffron treads closer to the ground with every step as the cardiac glycosides fill its body through its bloodstream at an extreme toxic level, our minds run rampant with horror our hearts gush red with a disgustingly hypocritical sense of “compassion” which stares at us back from the mirror of time, laughing at our own self-corruption, as orwell in shooting his elephant, fleeing the body before it had actually passed, not able to watch what he himself had caused the death of, hearing only later that it took the beautiful creature a half hour to die--- with this same thirst for beauty, we ourselves approach the objects which operate with a thin skin holding a vat of toxin within themselves ready to explode the moment we ingest them physically, metaphorically or whatever you claim to be “spiritually,” if you believe in such idiocy--- regardless, we all pay the price, walking for hours, maybe days in the desert & choking, while our fellow humans, the trackers, follow, like the grim reaper’s own paparazzi ready to report back as to how our whole story played out, sickly & stupid as we were, seeking sweet nectar where there wasn’t even a taste & justifiably suffering the consequences.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 8/6/2011 10:29:00 AM
wow. this is amazing, the way you put words to the mood I woke up in this morning. Thank you VERY much for this write!
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Delapruch Avatar
Andrew Delapruch
Date: 8/6/2011 1:41:00 PM
@ Nancy Jones. Glad I could be of service : ) Thanks for taking the time to read my work!

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