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Addicted To Integrity

Feeling exhausted by addiction to integrity. But, prefer this sad loved addict to being self-indicted for lack of win/win integrity; total investment in lose/lose nihilistic fascistic disintegrity, disintegration. Addiction to dicked down synergetic passion seems a healthier prospect than apartheid alienation, chaotic degeneration Rather than this more positive addiction to EarthTribe's organic integrity, resonant DNA harmony, cooperative polyvagal resilience, synergetic neuro-systemic balance EarthMothers at least temporarily feel an arduously merciful master of sensory musical physical relentless mental health care wealth cooperative co-investing extensions eco-out, intentions ego-in Emerging through Left embodied pleasure's peaceful Right mind paradise religious promise re-connecting polycultural family DNA extensions, nerved mindbody co-passions, negatively anxious and positively anticipating and curiously in-between received panentheistic hypotheses Of global paradigmatic history ZeroSum preemptive pre-emptying evolutionary Left/Right bicameral theory regeneratively embedded in His/Her Nature/Spirit Out/In 1/0 sacred indigenous NonZero Full/Empty Integral Holonic Soul Grows sadly incomplete synergetic EarthTribal co-addiction to feeding and watering personal/global ego/eco-systemic bilaterally co-empathic sad loss inside/glad gain outside love addiction co-arising narratives.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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