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Acrostics Du Jour

ACROSTICS DU JOUR ODIS Once upon a very sad time, Disappointment crossed my hapless mind. Instead of thinking that would be fine, Someone gave me this dog to walk behind. SUZANNE Supple and sweet within my reach Under starry skies or sandy beach Zigzagging memories across my heart Another moment and we will part. Now I’m alone and she’s not here. Nothing I can do will soothe this fear, Each separation starts it all over again. RAIN Releasing torrents of the wet Allowing the dirt no time to set. Increasing the patter on the ground Nothing but sunshine will stop the sound. CANDY Crunchy or gooey in the mouth Always a favorite in the North or South. Never enough to satisfy your insatiable hunger, Destroyed your teeth when you were younger. Yesterday or tomorrow, the outcome’s the same. FAT For ever and ever those inches abound, Around your waist you deposit that pound. This can be reversed, just walk the ground. DOORS Doors have only two functions in this world. One side keeps the world out, the Other side lets the world in. Regardless of your choice, it’s easy to See, neither one is without sin. BUMPS Before road graders things were not smooth. Unless at the beach or on the enamel of a tooth. Man gets exhausted keeping things on a flat plane. Perfectly smooth so boring, like riding a windowless train. Savor the ups and downs, it stimulates the brain. AROMAS Among the many morning scents, Ranking as first and here’s a hint. Other than gas this too comes to from a bean. Many can smell it and not be seen. Armed with a jolt those jitters dissipate Surely God made it for us, isn’t coffee great.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 5/15/2011 4:55:00 AM
Congratulations on your "featured" poem this week, just wonderful~~
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Date: 5/13/2011 12:34:00 PM
John.. congratulations on your wonderful feature of the week... I sure enjoyed... take care,..p.d
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Date: 5/9/2011 10:33:00 AM
J T, congratulations on your well deserved poetry being featured this week. Love, Carol
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Date: 5/9/2011 5:38:00 AM
Cngratulations on your poem being featured this week, John
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Date: 5/8/2011 4:41:00 PM
Congrats John on your featured poem this week on P.S. a great one to share with us all my friend with luv... hope u are doing well luv..
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