Across the Pond
This chap from the States, just asked me to write, a poetic collaboration,
I was asleep, it is quite late at night, no time for a rhymed dissertation.
I thought to myself, what a spiffing idea, for we speak the same lingo at least,
But hold on a sec, I'm English - good grief, and worse still I'm from the North East!!
I wrote to this dude, over in England and said, would y’all write with me?
He seemed kind of cranky, said he was asleep, probably needed a nice spot o’ tea.
Though things ain’t the same, like they’ve got a queen and we have a man who’s in power,
And Big Ben over here is a star quarterback, to him it’s a clock in a tower
With some trepidation I considered the task, in horror at the realisation,
In the States their football, isn’t like the UK, it’s rugby for your information.
But the strangest thing, is that ‘grits’ are a food, whereas here it’s ground pebbles or stone,
And they travel around in their big Chevrolet’s, on Route 66 lined with phones.
Now I’m not sure I made the right choice, they’re weird with their bangers and mash,
fries are called chips, their beer is served warm and it seems they weigh all of their cash.
Cookies are biscuits, car trunks are boots, the telly is their television,
my fingers are crossed as I sit here and hope, that I made the wisest decision.
But joking apart, it’s an honour to join, my American friend in this Rhyme.
I sincerely agree, it was truly a pleasure, let’s do it again anytime
Introduction by collaboration Poetry Contest
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Copyright © Ronald D Thompson | Year Posted 2019
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