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Acid Rain

Once a upon a time, I stood next to you Hand in hand, secure and safe On firm ground, so tall, so beautiful in the glowing light of the sun Like living in a fairy tale But fairy tales are just that…tales And the magic began to fade Your words were once rays of light Now began to pollute the air around me I try to speak up and put up a fight To use my strength and courage You were like smog settling over a city Nothing could keep you at bay Trying every way possible To clean up the damage done But it was all in vain The sun disappeared behind the blackness As the clouds rolled in No longer feeling safe No longer feeling secure I put on a rain coat Hoping the rays of light The goodness that was left Would defeat the storm on the horizon But the first drop fell And then the flood gates open I open my umbrella Huddled underneath Fear of the unknown Building deep within me Your toxic words now like acid rain Begin to eat holes in my umbrella Leaving me exposed As drops start to singe my raincoat No longer protected Putrid, melting plastic invades my nose Your words burning my face Burning my heart Drowning out my voice No longer beautiful I began to corrode I stand in the rain Leaving wounds that will scar No longer standing tall I hang my head As I stand in your rain

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 11/6/2011 1:08:00 AM
it has been a while since I have read one of your pieces. This is full of sad metaphors of love gone bad. Sorry to hear if these are true life experiences. Take care.
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