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Aching Dust

You need to listen to me when I say I simply cannot do this anymore I understand why you turned away In my eyes, there was something that told you I was no longer the youth I once was. I used to harness the wind Not even your arms could hold me I have tried in my own way to love you I want nothing more than to kiss you through the braids of Orion's constellation but now stars are dying at my feet They twinkle then fade away like aching dust. Part II My heart is a furnace — it warms to others warmth. those who aren't you aren't of any interest to me. But yet I sit and watch the embers dissolve.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 8/4/2020 7:36:00 AM
Nancy, Poem's longing, found complete. Always looked to Orion in a clear, cold Winter's night. Those stars hold some many wishes from us still. -Richard
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Beckman  Avatar
Nancy Beckman
Date: 8/4/2020 5:24:00 PM
:) thanks, stay safe out there!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things