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Aces, Braces, Faces and Laces In Wintry Watersheds

Life lost in saline streams Straining to see Possibilities in reams and streams Crane to love me Although I desire nothing unproven In the world I grapple to save From madness and sadness woven In webs only the brave Dare to challenge In the open where nerves Bent on revenge Achieve rubbish that serves No useful purposes In improving prospects For souls that befriend porpoises Upon finding at their detriment suspects Aren’t always guilty Despite evidence claiming the world gets better Now that the mighty Grow less bitter Engaging concerns Thrown to back pages For too long in urns Where they rot for ages Hoping dreams come true For creatures great and small Whose wisdom and freedom glue Souls who can play ball In efforts to fraternize Erstwhile enemies And modernize to incentivize The growth economies Need to plant sesame seeds To grow goodwill Through daring deeds Whose efficient effects spill To the general populace Who longs for shelter As technologies race Forth to implement the letter That signifies happiness Flying into every quarter Where it jettisons sadness Drowning it into wintry water.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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