Academy of American Poets & Poetic Justice
For years I have wasted,
Precious time spent with you,
And it is time I faced it,
You are mean-hearted and cruel,
You ravage the inspired souls,
Who fall for your covert snares,
And while the many pay their tolls,
You parade your chosen’s fares,
You teach that poetry inspires,
And yes you’ve proven it true,
For you are all hideous liars,
Your judgments so very cruel,
Winners of your tainted contests,
Are always the same chosen few,
While other poets are held in jest,
And told they must pay their dues,
I mean have you actually read,
Some of the fodder you hold high,
Rambling words spewed noxious and dead,
Which waste the eager reader’s time.
Most have no rhyme or reason,
And lack of any story to tell,
For they fester like a lesion,
And erupt with a worthless spell,
And upon the oh so rare occasion,
A true poet shows you gifted grace,
Your editors mock without cessation,
That in poetry they have the final say.
So go about your selfish greedy missions,
Where you only admit those with your views,
To accomplish their life-long ambitions,
And be recognized for their great works too.
Yes this world is full of those full of themselves,
And you do nothing to help those who turn to you,
For the self righteous is reserved a special circle of hell,
One of hollow accolades from a mirror only of you,
You could change and empower those moved to poetry,
Those who have been hurt or dream of something better,
These poor spirits where their hopeful poetry can seed,
A life sewn with hope by simply connecting letters.
Copyright © My Gull Wheels On | Year Posted 2010
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