Abyss of My Heart
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“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.” 2Corinthians 3:5 of the King James Bible
Abyss of my heart does crave for contentment bliss
Bestowed only by the gracious Almighty Source…
Yes, I yearn for God’s grace to fill this vacuum
Surely He can suffice and satisfy so well
Since His loving goodness steadfastly settles me.
Oh, my heart-mended chasm echoes thanksgiving praise
Freely offered to Christ Who grants forgiveness’ peace.
My heart seeks the Saviour for His approval nod
Yet admits selfishness, confessing sinfulness.
Here is my innermost, exposing depths of heart
Earnestly praying with faith strength for wise guidance
Aware that I do need the Lord’s omniscient eyes
Readily searching pure motives midst intents’ blight
Trying and testing them toward triumphant toils.
December 13, 2021
Acrostic with alliteration and modified Alexandrine (12 syllables per line checked with PS Syllable Counter)
1st place, " 'A' Forms, New Poems, 10 or more lines" Poetry Writing Contest
Sponsored by Constance La France; judged on 12/22/2021.
Copyright © Beata Agustin | Year Posted 2021
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