Absentee Voter
N ow that the Mid-Term Elections are near
O ne of the things that we always hear
N ot one of the candidates will give his agenda
E ach one flings mud that could stick on my fender.
O h, how I wish that our process was different
F or electing those representatives who are significant.
T hough I am not enthralled by the prospect
H ere in my own way I must interject...
E lections are only won when people vote with intellect.
A ccording to most of the talking heads we hear
B oth parties have candidates of which we should have no fear.
O nly the candidates will tell you that they get a bad rap
V ery often, however, the voter is the sap ~ Yet,
E ach one of us must vote his conscience...like I just did!
Copyright © Daniel Cwiak | Year Posted 2010
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