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About How To Catch a Trout

Read Bible in Bed and Said took Bible to bed God is savior Bible said which is what we read we could always cheer God has been in atmosphere bought us round of beer road my slick big steed suffered from much sin and greed did a dirty deed (God was in the lead) thoroughbred had treed) (was bad all agreed) God gave much support each time that we went to court was for child support (the judge sure was short) (judge sure liked to snort) (drank wine which was port) (mission did abort) (judge on arm wore wart) God had held each rein while he was riding through Spain (there found a gold vein) (body does remain) (saw movie called "Shane") (succumb to the strain) God gave me a shot when He did had hurt a lot tears to my yes bought with God could commune saw Him in silvery moon (cookies liked maroon) (He watched "Name that Tune") God went way out west where in country would invest music did digest (Country and Western music) we would twist and shout God knew what it was about helped me catch a trout God will be my guide on Him have always relied Does like His eggs fried God grew curly hair which was flowing here and there combed it with much care

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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