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Setting aside richly incorporated through homeless economies, we have three political ways to compare a population's internal status: a. Aboriginal populations, b. Immigrants--sometimes appearing as multiculturing creolic waves, c. EmPowered Natives. Natives are aboriginals unless a more self-centered wave of supremacist immigrants stake and successfully defend their claim to be rightful through mightful or maybe even cooperatively insightful natives, leaving aboriginals politically, and presumably intellectually, and most certainly economically, akin to neanderthals, who were immigrants from our disowned mammalian branch of history's ecologically polyculturing tree. Into the 1800s, New England Puritan waves referred to themselves as native Americans, meaning not those horrible Irish, much less those displaced, bought and sold, neanderthal slaves; giving no thought at all to aboriginal Wild and Terrorizing Indian cultures in place in this their now nativizing home through tools of capitalistic colonialism, self-declaring ownership by way of piracy, stealing from those Original Native Americans who thought we owned Earth to care-give and care-receive in cooperative Common. We confuse supremacy of native cultures with immigrant status of EastEuropean White MaleDominant "Christian" equals "Humane-Spiritual CoOperative Democrat", at least among our more enlightened selves, doing decent white family business as our evolutionary entitlement because Jesus said this must be so to become and defend and remain God's PureLight Beacon on our SelfImaged Hill, learning to preoccupy ourselves with criminalizing and marginalizing aboriginals, owned, or merely counted, commodified, and reserved for future abuse. (The gospels suggest he mentored and said just the opposite, as God's radically inclusive love, but never mind the details of original exegetical historical cultural intent, this is fake non-news we're talking about.) This confusion of original ownership and what best to do with Earth as shared home, continues to rear its ugly immigrant identity head, feeding false senses of supremacy if we cannot find long overdue living within solidarity through extending healthy cooperative-oriented identity as Earth's multiculturing family, local community, inviting full age and gender and racial and religious cultural diversity as blessings within a global cooperative matriarchal economy recognizing no politically significant difference between Original Aboriginal Mothers and Native Mothers, as these would both originate from and for Mother Earth, God, Sacred Scorpion, Allah, ReGenerative Change, Creator of the Universe(s), YHWH, SkyWoman, etc. Truly Aboriginal Americans, as they have watched us immigrant waves play out our continuously comodifying web faster than our democratically inclusive co-empowerment, describe our Judeo-Christian immigrant claims as incompletely arrived and committed because, in a sense, our LeftBrain dominant mindbodies have not yet fully landed with both feet, Left with Right, on Earth's fully-animating New-Old World humus. We are collectively less and less natively sure, as each perennial recent immigrant generation becomes reborn, of whether we would better return back from where our Christian capitalist ForeFathers more patriarchally, and aboriginally, came from. Are we going to stay? Learn Native American health and pathology, cooperative ways to animate and reanimate nutritional enculturations, permacultural designs, self-governing deep ecological economic nutritional education, matriarchal-patriarchal political organization, or remain further lost, disoriented, far from self-identity's home as Commons Immigrants? If we combine Native American Original Instructions to Nanabozho, First Messianic Man, with Christ as Creator's humane-sacred bilateral Son, and Taoism's Black Scorpion as Black YHWH, meaning rich dark embryonic matriarchal yin-side co-dominant co-presence, or, more simply, not-white Empty YHWH, in sort of an entropic Buddhist way of reversing Interdependence as also Black fullness of integrity, then Creator God's Original Instruction for all humane-sacred immigrants, (because time is lifetime and circular, in this Native American place of fertile cycling through frozen seasons) each greets cooperative Mother Earth as normal healthy maturation. This is how we become native to EarthTribe, breathing in Left clear white light to breathe out pathological Right waste floating up and out feeding and recreating Black Scorpion's matriarchal potential, too-long repressed, to re-invest in future waves of grateful immigrant status; not so very much about colonizing and disowning Aboriginal intelligence and wisdom, taking only what can be commodified in capital-growing nutritional markets divinely, if not maybe humanely, intended through self-manifest, although maybe not so much other-manifest, destiny of self-declared natives, unwilling to face hypocrisy of antiChristian piracy, crusading militaristic colonizing history, buying and selling God's gratuitous love. Puritan pirates, like latter day supremacist capitalists, failed our democratic potential to see and hear and feel and taste and smell our greater healthier potential conspiracy of Golden Rules for Immigrants as also Original Instructions for Aboriginals becoming White through Black FullColor ScorpionTribes of and for ecotherapeutic bilateral breathing eco-intelligent communication, integrity of His/Her Immigrant EcoStory.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 6/17/2017 8:38:00 AM
So great and excellent. Three words underrating this magnificient piece which has dragged my mind in the viscose silk of awe to really lack what to say. A definite 7 friend.
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