Abecedarian Aka Alphabet Poems
Alphabet poems are sometimes called, “a,b,c” poems.
But that is incorrect because a.b.c. poems only have 25 words in them.
Commonly, that mistake is made because the lines are written in alphabetical order.
Despite a clear definition of the Abecedarian form, even I continued to say, “a,b,c”
Everyone makes mistakes, but I always try to be so careful, sometimes overly so.
Forgetting is easy, but after writing this poem, I am hoping I will remember.
Generally speaking, perhaps many poets don’t care one way or the other.
However for me, I seem to be obsessed with continuing to learn and remember.
Instinctively, I know that words said matter more than what the form is called.
Just like the essence of a person is more important than their name(s)
Kindhearted souls express opinions, forgive mistakes, and share knowledge.
Laugh if you like. Laugh if you will. Go ahead. Laugh. LAUGH. LAUGH!!!
My feelings will not be hurt one little bit. No, I will not dwell on my mistake.
Never have I worked so hard to help myself remember a definition.
Over and over, I have made the same mistake in the past; it is time to stop!
Perhaps, I am rationalizing so I won’t feel so bad about my mistake.
Quality a.b.c. poems, after all, can be more difficult than Abecedarian poems.
Rationalizing poetic forms, does not make any poem better or right.
Sometimes, you have to just suck it up and admit that a mistake was made.
Today is that painful day for me. Abecedarian poems are NOT a.b.c. poems.
Underneath this chatter lies an embarrassed poet I should have known better.
Verily, verily, I say unto myself and others, “Get over it, already!”
When everything is said and done, no on gives a flip!
Xena might IF she were a real live woman who wrote strong poetry.
Yet she is mythological, created by the imagination of humankind.
Zip it up is what I’ll do, now. I have reached the letter z. LOL
By Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
Copyright © Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen | Year Posted 2016
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