Abc's For a Young Captain
Always seek to be guided by the North star - Polaris
But never forget to look daily at the Southern Cross
Constantly be reminded that a greater power is also stirring your ship.
Deny yourself the enchanting songs of temptations
Endure and listen to the whispering waves of truth
Fight the cold and heat that wears you down
Get enough sleep for the day will surely be long
Help strangers along the way, keep your rafts and life rings ready.
In strong winds, ride the waves but grip the helm steady
Just you, only you- the captain decides your destiny
Keep your lifeline always secure
Lest sudden waves of trials come crashing
Manage your provisions wisely for land maybe distant
Note every important turn or decision for you may need markers
Order your men with authority but keep a humble heart
Picture your goals, make vivid your plans and charge!
Quietly accept defeat and learn from mistakes but keep charging.
Respect everyone for what they are, even your subordinates.
Stay on course, veer only when necessary but be wary of time
Teach and learn from teaching
Ultimately, be the master of your time…
Vanguard of your wishes and hopes…
Winner of your struggles…
Xenagogue of lost souls…
Yoke of dependence and comfort
Zealot of faith and love.
Copyright © Alex Conrad Seno | Year Posted 2009
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