A World of Uncopyrighted Tears
A World of unCopyrighted Tears
If you are reading this
you want me to touch you
Wow! ~ You with some kind
of words that make you
feel like you haven't
wasted you time ~
But I so don't know how
to touch you
to make you feel my
every lasting pain
a pain that makes
the days seem long
and the nights go on
without end ~
I just drop tears
long sad tears
and think and rethink
whats a sad world
what a sad me
i can't touch you
i can't make you see
You !
You! ~ Have hurt me
No! ~ It wasn't you?
No! ~ You don't know me!
Yes! ~ You know me
with every unkind word
spoken from your parted lips
you may or may not
have said
to take too complete heart
but it hurt
just the same
and with every unkind heartless deed
I'm sure someone
must have die
if not in body
surely in mind and in kind
down to all undone
ripped to pieces
i bleed only
when i am
pressed to a
new opened wound
but can the predefined still bleed?
or give one last
fake breath
to be stolen away
once again~
feel something for me now
don't give cry for me when
i am gone someday tomorrow
because it is only you
who feels the tear
that is shed
and i will feel
the cold
of a heartless world
Copyright © Verlecia Fields | Year Posted 2017
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