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A Wisdom Download

Poet's Notes

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If no signal fires a mental wasteland blazing passion, Angelic vibes are only found through third-eye action You'll feel less discomfort if you're into the ideal aura Life is not naughtiness, disdain, nihilism, or oxymora Be selfish, but invest your life in an act that can last Before ceding to entropy, face qualms and hit aghast Freedom is to be oneself without asking permission Be caring and vest a mark—even if it faces suspicion You are not bound by this body, intellect, or reality You are unimpeded mental alertness and eternity Prayer opens the third eye and links one to space The spine-full mind travels across key psych places These nodes agape consciousness to cosmic awareness Divine corridors—yet eons of vacuity obscure fairness Vipassana is being mindful of this staple life reality Spirituality aligns, awakens, and merges life's vitality Assume your previous assumptions proved correct You learn you agnize less than you thread, in effect With a third eye wide agaze, one can peer at foresight When the truth appears, you will find out the real sight Clear thinking requires the transcendence of cognition, With a clear mind, hearing, and insight, reach fruition After profound interior changes, you saw an upheaval, Lucid dreams disclose our unconscious facts retrieval Living with other-dimensional groups implies sharing Your or other people's vitality isn't optimal or bearing Wildflowers in the desert can survive without water, They delve deep and trust that the rains will never falter Altering makes us dance, as our hearts are dazing This is a path to caring, inner sight, and stargazing.
Written: April 07, 2023 A wisdom download Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Unseeking Seeker

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 4/24/2023 9:36:00 PM
Each couplet in this poem is a gem. I love particularly the couplet- "Wildflowers in the desert can survive without water, They delve deep and trust that the rains will never falter" ! Congratulations on your win....(Miss you dear friend!)
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Date: 4/24/2023 6:35:00 PM
Congratulations, Sotto Poet. This is profound. Blessings. Do you also bear Lasaad?
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Date: 4/24/2023 10:21:00 AM
"Freedom is to be oneself without asking permission!" Amazing Lasaad! Just one of many amazing lines of wisdom spoken in your unique poetic style that never asks "permission!!" I always come away from your poems with new insights after carefully reading and absorbing each line! Congratulations on your win, dear friend. Sending you blessings. This is a fav for me! So happy to share the podium with you and the other amazing poems!
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Date: 4/24/2023 8:23:00 AM
Congratulations on your placement, Sotto Poet
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Date: 4/8/2023 9:34:00 AM
I love your couplet 'Clear thinking requires the transcendence of cognition, With a clear mind, hearing and insight reach fruition', Oh so true my friend Lasaad. Hugs and blessings, Jennifer.
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Date: 4/8/2023 5:57:00 AM
Food for the mind--enriching thoughts my friend. You dwell in the world of wisdom, Lasaad.
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Date: 4/8/2023 2:52:00 AM
An enlightening esoteric poem that has as its goal the opening of the third eye which would allow someone to see behind Ishida's veil and discover the hidden truth. Excellently done my friend, however, without the moral purity of one's soul all efforts would be to no avail! This you know, of course, better than anyone else. Be blessed.
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Date: 4/7/2023 9:04:00 PM
'With a third eye wide agaze, one can peer at foresight When the truth appears, you will find out the real sight'.....! Wisely said ! Great sagacity in your poem dear Lasaad ! All the Best in the contest!
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Date: 4/7/2023 9:48:00 AM
Very beautiful and wise, Lasaad. Luck in contest!
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