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a valentine flight

hello everyone this is an early valentine entry I didn't want to miss the celebration not me (smile smile smile) may you all have a special celebration with the one you love in honor of valentine's day I forced myself to rhyme (another smile) thank you and may you all know of love
"a valentine flight" with riddles and more such games we follow with each I adore always keeping score passion is never hollow how it began who can say other than from the heart how it resumes let it play always forever a two-way such vows are a fine art these games made for us our love without fuss we look far and wide always a million plus desires we do not hide what we do night after night what makes everything right under the moon and stars always a valentine flight held safe within memoirs SkyWatcher 01-11-24

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Date: 1/20/2024 7:03:00 AM
Good morning Lisa! I accept your beautiful Valentine verse as a way to be together on Valentine’s Day. I really think it’s important to acknowledge the group that we are, Thank you for the big hug and the thoughts in the poem. Love, Pangie
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 1/23/2024 4:28:00 AM
Hi Miss Pangie, Good Morning. It is I who thank you. You are always positive in reality and within your work and entries. Truly. I for one believe love is for everyday not just valentine's day. May all celebrate their blessing. Have a wonderful morning and day. Thank you again. Blessings and Peace now and always. (smile)
Date: 1/13/2024 10:05:00 AM
This is so sweet dear Lisa and so thoughtful of you. Such a caring, poetic heart my lovely. Love the title too. A captivating read especially the last stanza. Perfect combination of romance and the joy of being in love. ‘ How it began who can say, other than from the heart’. Delightful. Happy Valentines to you in advance sweet friend. Big hugs xx
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 1/14/2024 5:36:00 AM
Good Morning Christina. Hi. Saying thank you for such a gracious and generous review of your intake and commentary could never be enough. However, thank you thank you. I do not take you for granted. I am a believer in love for all and may all know of it. Yes, Happy Valentine's Day to you as well. With Hugs Peace and Blessings to you now and always may your morning and day be filled with beauty peace and more. (smile)
Date: 1/13/2024 6:24:00 AM
Your poetic composition is a clever and engaging tapestry of love, playfulness, and enduring passion. The use of riddles in each stanza adds a whimsical touch, turning the poem into a delightful game of words and emotions.. The closing riddle about 'what we do night after night' and 'under the moon and stars' adds a romantic allure, creating a sense of intimacy and shared moments. The idea of a 'valentine flight' held safe within memoirs adds a touch of nostalgia..
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 1/14/2024 5:29:00 AM
Good Morning Silent. Hi. Thank you very much. Truly. Never do I take visits commentary or reviews for granted. I value your intake and commentary. Words do not express my appreciation. Have a wonderful morning and day. May your poetic pen be with you always. Peace and Blessings always as well. (smile)
Date: 1/12/2024 5:50:00 PM
Your rhymes are great, Lisa. I know you prefer free verse, but you can do anyway you want to. Thanks for the early thoughts for Valentine's Day, one of my favorite days of the year. A FAV for my list for a sweet valentine of a friend. Your poet friend in Texas, Bill
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 1/14/2024 4:20:00 AM
Top of The Morning to you Mr. Bill from Texas (smile). Yes, thank you thank you from your friend from RI. Words do not express my appreciation for you mentioning the rhyme because I prefer leaving rhyming up to all of you but in honor of valentine's day I forced myself. Have a wonderful morning and day. May it be a good one. Love Peace and Blessings now and always to you and Sara. (smiles)
Date: 1/12/2024 12:53:00 PM
Very romantic verse Lisa, it's not too far away, the world needs more love right now. Hope you're well and I hope you have a lovely weekend. Tom
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 1/14/2024 3:27:00 AM
Hello Tom. Good Morning. Thank you ever so much for you intake and commentary to which I agree with you the world needs more love and yes the 14th isn't far way as well. Keep enjoying poetry and poetrysoup too. May today be a great day. Peace and Blessings always. (smile)

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