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A Vacation

My muse went on vacation, to the tropics it did go. I wish I could go with it, but my boss told me no. I’m afraid it won’t come back; I wouldn’t if I were it. And my writings are getting pretty sketchy… I need help you know, real quick! So to solve the problem I sent the trolls, from the basement they did go. My basements kind of empty now, with only dust left on the floor. And my Hubby’s kind of mad that I sent his friends to travel on… It seems the trolls were HIS muses, for all the topics so dead-on. Now instead of things getting better, my Hubby’s not talking, at all, to me. If they don’t come back soon, I know there’ll be heck to pay, you see. I think that with boredom setting in… maybe my Hubby’s about to explode. What I thought would help… just might have been: a boo boo, you know. But low and behold, I got a post card and my muse will SOON be coming home. He has stories out the ying yang… like how the trolls invaded the last luau. Everyone mistook them for local demons and scattered everywhere, some how. And one is engaged to a volcano demon and can’t wait to bring her home, now. He thinks the Missouri flatlands could use a tourist boost, with more allure. And a steaming Mt. St. Missouri would be just the thing, for sure. Thank you God!!! They’re coming home… is all that I can say!!! Unfortunately my neighbors might not see it, clearly, the same way. Though I am a LITTLE worried, that as the volcano demon settles in… They might just take it upon themselves: to run me out of town!!! Again!!! Though I might not blame them, just a little bit… Still, I can’t wait to get back to work… I truly must admit!!! CSEastman

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 5/21/2012 10:07:00 AM
I also like your site. You are welcome to post on my website. You will have your own section. I wouldn't like to have to choose one though. The few I have read all need to be shared. Nice stories too. Perhaps you can pick those that have won contests then that can be mentioned too to direct people to poetrysoup.
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Date: 4/13/2012 6:15:00 AM
Congratulations on your win in the wonderful contest P.D. sponsored "Any poem goes~" Carol. Love, Carol
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Date: 4/12/2012 10:29:00 PM
Carol, a wonderful congratulations.. with your awesome poem.. :-) always~ PD
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Date: 4/8/2012 5:14:00 PM
very moving.i enjoyed this much.
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Date: 4/8/2012 8:42:00 AM
can you say Lucus and Hunt
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Situation Avatar
The Situation
Date: 4/8/2012 8:43:00 AM
your the closest souper to me
Date: 4/7/2012 7:33:00 PM
missouri? thats my state. is it yours? and this was an amuseing short story. no pun intended. i read the whole thing and enjoyed it. and became worried about new madras fault.
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Date: 4/3/2012 12:03:00 PM
Carol, lol... I wish i could go with my muse too,,, and ilike that volcano demon, image,,, very unique.. and about getting back to work,,, humm,, are you your own muse.. a very sweet poem,,, and thank you for your commentluv~ always* your little PD **
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