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A Tyrant's Respondent

A Tyrant's Respondent If a tyrant has no power; then tease him. If he has few followers; then mock them. If a tyrant's men try usurpation; then slaughter them. And when he is elected; then escape as far away, as you can flee; leaving friends, family, appointments, property. The only way to save your life is to leave it behind. Most importantly is to leave immediately! Those who don't see what you see, die. So most pertinently leave behind that sentimentality. That is how to deal with tyranny.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 8/2/2016 7:26:00 PM
First technical- I think you mean 'respondent.' I love the if/then patterns, they create a mechanical, adroit, and emotionless rhythm. the 2nd half is more like prose, less structured but more passionate and urgent.
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Diamond Avatar
Seth Diamond
Date: 8/2/2016 7:40:00 PM
Most people don't even notice it is in rhyme. As prosaic or poetic as it may be it is very real. After interviewing countless refugees you learn that some stayed to help out dear old mom, or a crippled brother. They all died. When you know the time has come you must move as if with tunnel vision, but keeping your intellect in full gear. The poem is the only instruction I can offer to virtually every person alive.
Date: 8/2/2016 4:27:00 PM
And I'm not sure what a "Respndant" is...
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Diamond Avatar
Seth Diamond
Date: 6/18/2020 10:50:00 AM
Tpoes happened and u r right I made a typo. However the poem, like most of them, gives words different meanings because it sounds cool - which i'm sure you understand. Seperating the object from the subject it the epitomy of cool, which you are probably not.
Baker Avatar
Steve Baker
Date: 8/3/2016 1:49:00 PM
I wonder what's wrong with this webpage that it has to keep repeating comments? By the way, Seth, your "whom" is still wrong. "Whom" is for objects, "who" is for subjects. Your "whom" is being used as a subject. It's just the way English works, if you don't want to appear to be ignorant.
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Steve Baker
Date: 8/3/2016 1:33:00 PM
I wonder what's wrong with this webpage that it has to keep repeating comments? By the way, Seth, your "whom" is still wrong. "Whom" is for objects, "who" is for subjects. Your "whom" is being used as a subject. It's just the way English works, if you don't want to appear to be ignorant.
Baker Avatar
Steve Baker
Date: 8/3/2016 1:31:00 PM
My, my, what a thin skin!!! You should learn to give a damn about your craft. I would not bother to troll my own poetry group. By definition, that would be impossible. Many of us consider corrections to be favors, but I guess you're too insecure for that and have to act like a baby. LOL!
Baker Avatar
Steve Baker
Date: 8/3/2016 1:06:00 PM
My, my, what a thin skin!!! You should learn to give a damn about your craft. I would not bother to troll my own poetry group. By definition, that would be impossible. Many of us consider corrections to be favors, but I guess you're too insecure for that and have to act like a baby. LOL!
Diamond Avatar
Seth Diamond
Date: 8/2/2016 7:46:00 PM
Yes steve, spelling is not my strong suit but poetic analysis is not yours when you obviously just troll nebbish like my poems for spelling errors here and on Facebook. Two one-letter-off mistakes gets me ten trolls from you.
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Steve Baker
Date: 8/2/2016 6:35:00 PM
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Steve Baker
Date: 8/2/2016 6:03:00 PM
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Steve Baker
Date: 8/2/2016 4:28:00 PM
Date: 8/2/2016 3:41:00 PM
It should be: "Those who don't see what you see,"
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Date: 4/29/2016 9:22:00 PM
I love CRUZ
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Diamond Avatar
Seth Diamond
Date: 7/21/2016 3:59:00 PM
Gee I'd really like your comment on my other poems too. The poems pertaining to my play script are noted act 2 ect, but the rest are wanting for comments.
Date: 4/29/2016 11:08:00 AM
Well, I know a Tyrant, who tries hard. LOL..... SKAT
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Seth Diamond
Date: 4/29/2016 11:14:00 AM
Yeah well Trump is bad but I'd consider leaving if that crazy Cruz won!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things