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A Tree Named Lou

I have a tree named Lou, a great, spreading beech the shape of a gigantic pear with the stem upside-down. I named it Lou so it could be Louise or Louis. I don't know which. But when I walk in summer, I smile when I reach its gentle shade and listen to the shooosh of a thousand silvery leaves like huge, soft thumbs rubbing together. And in winter, I urge Lou to hang in there, brave the icy winds through its skeletal fingers and stand tall, resolute and silent. We know, Lou and I, that spring will come again.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 4/25/2023 7:02:00 AM
Another lovely piece from your gifted pen Katharine, with nice imagery and insightful line of thought too. Blessings,Gordon
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Date: 3/4/2023 6:27:00 PM
This poems says a lot about the writer and the importance of trees in general. Lucky is the person who has memories of of a childhood shared with a particular tree or pleasant walks in a forest of them. The trees in my neighborhood are under attack except on our humble section which we have occupied for over three decades. I do like fact that fruit trees are appearing more in public places. Keep these great poems coming. David in NZ
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Date: 6/7/2020 6:29:00 AM
Great poem, very well expressed..
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Date: 6/6/2020 11:11:00 PM
Hello Caroline … really enjoyed your thought of giving a beloved tree a personal name. This is unique and I feel original - well done - Lindsay
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Katharine L. Sparrow
Date: 6/6/2020 11:26:00 PM
Thank-you, L.L.! glad you enjoyed it.
Date: 6/6/2020 8:07:00 PM
I love this. I was just admiring a couple of beech trees today. Fondled the leaves of one and stroked the trunk of another. Tucking this little gem in my faves, thank you Caroline! ~Maureen
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Katharine L. Sparrow
Date: 6/6/2020 11:22:00 PM
Thank-you, so glad to find another beech tree admirer! I touch Lou's bark and branches too! They are gorgeous creations, for sure.

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