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A time of understanding

I shouldn't be here Immersing myself in 00:04 It's not my time, it's a tomorrow stealer Nothing keeps me here My ears ring, then I think About the word 'expel' The spell of expelling emotion Yes I'm too tired to do thinking I'm holding words, withholding them Sat with them, letting them bother me There's a magic to poetry But it's not on the tip of my tongue It's sticking in my throat I may Google 'primal screaming' You see, I'm far too calm Not writing this poem Or maybe that poem Because I can't unsay it So I'm holding those words Choking on them But as these midnight minutes calmly pass I see I can breathe around this Breathing Thinking Not saying too much Or anything at all Then sleeping At 00:17 With the excuse of tiredness For when I open my eyes Forgive me I'll keep myself to myself I'm a bit tired, that's all Nothing more

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 1/9/2024 5:36:00 AM
Indeed Dilly I think we all know the feeling of laying in bed at zero dark thirty, with words in our head sending us off on intangible tangents, but very few (me included) can write this surreal process into a poem, that indeed is your gift, capturing and penning how the thought process works, brilliant enlightening poem, cheers David
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 1/10/2024 1:22:00 PM
Love the enthusiasm, thank you! The little bargaining with your own brain that happens when you'd like to get to sleep barely makes sense at all! Thanks for your kind comment
Date: 1/8/2024 9:51:00 PM
The words are sure to clear your throat and bounce out with your first waking moment in the morn dear poet. Be ready with notepad, as you will have but a fleeting moment between remembering and being fully wake when alas they may be gone. Your mindful poem is purely relatable D, and a pleasure to read.
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 1/10/2024 1:11:00 PM
Thank you SV, late night thoughts can get very circular. I like trying to catch a thought into a poem - semi revealed as energy x
Date: 1/8/2024 9:08:00 PM
I enjoy this poem and I'm sorry your tired. Or perhaps I'm keeping you awake with comment? I'll make it short and say, "Good Job".
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 1/10/2024 1:09:00 PM
Ahh don't worry Hilda, I don't let my phone make a noise or show any notifications. I find it's better to choose when to dive in. Thank you for your comment, always a pleasure to hear your straight talking x
Date: 1/8/2024 7:22:00 PM
a daily battle at times - well articulated and thank you for not keeping all of yourself with this
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 1/10/2024 1:07:00 PM
Thanks Mat, think I was asleep before 00:30. Sometimes just some words, any words need releasing, regardless if they are the ones semi thought or not
Date: 1/8/2024 4:43:00 PM
Di11y Da11y this is an exquisite dive into the tangled emotions that reside within. The raw honesty and emotional depth woven through the lines resonate profoundly, showcasing the intricate struggle with inner turmoil. Their mastery in capturing the struggle of withholding words and the delicate balance between expression and restraint is truly remarkable. This poem beautifully encapsulates the quiet battles within, offering a poignant glimpse into the human experience. - Blessings, Daniel!
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 1/10/2024 1:06:00 PM
Thank you Daniel - your comments are a delight! Any worries post 9pm should really be put on hold til daylight when they never seem so bad. Thanks for your kind words

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